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Hey I got a question, How high is your bar?

Given the opportunity to do something how do you approach it? A bar is a minimum standard of acceptance. This bar, (which is extremely low) is one that a lot of the students will use as their most extreme code of behavior.

Think of an elementary school child told to read 15 minutes a day. The ones that need it the most will begin getting restless ten minutes into their reading session. By the time they reach fourteen and a half minutes, they’re already beginning to close the book. To get them to read for fifteen minutes, the bar has to be set higher.
There are bars set in a society in an attempt to set a minimum standard of living. They are not necessarily set extremely high.

How would you set and respond to the bars in your everyday life? I recently challenged myself to compose short articles. After half a month of turning out to be knowledgeable on the subject, I understood I could finish 3 articles within a similar time period.
Would it be a good idea for me to keep the bar this low? Would it be advisable for me to raise my bar and focus on 15 articles as opposed to the first 5? Why push myself? Why reset the bar?

This made me check out different aspects of my life. Do I need to adjust a bar here or there? I’ve found that people with low expectations tend to look at everything as near impossible rather than something to grow from and overcome. Increase current standards only once, and you might raise them twice. After raising your bar a couple of times, it could turn into a propensity. And yes, Imply the same strategy when you let people into your life too. When making a friend when choosing someone to date or who you want to give your time, You’ll start to look at everything differently, When you make it a habit to raise your bar, others quite often view you as “you’re so fortunate, look what you’ve got”. It’s not luck. It’s called raising the bar. Expect more from yourself and you get more.


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