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Do you have an answer?

Depression is quite possibly the most inescapable infirmity. As mental illnesses belong to the mind and the soul, inside lies the strength to defeat them, and that can only happen in a loving and supportive environment. Taking medication under the doctor's supervision and following a healthy way of life can lead to notable improvements in your mental health. More often than not, the role of noticing if someone is suffering from depression or other mental maladjustments belongs to the family. The burdened person can develop some peculiar habits, like eating too much or too little, having disorganized sleep, or having outraged outbursts out of nowhere.                                                                                                                                  

If you take medication and therapy and cure it like you should, you will live a healthy and happy life just like everybody else. But we don't take it seriously now, do we? All that occurs in our lives, fortunate or unfortunate, affects us. Something horrendous happened; you are going through a trauma; you don't validate it, you don't acknowledge it, you ignore it, and it'll have an impact on you. It is necessary to take care of your mental health because you cannot maintain a healthy body without a healthy mind. We shouldn't care more about our appearance than our emotional well-being.  

How disappointing our general public has become. Nowadays, there is a trend that encourages practices for maintaining a healthy body, and the mind comes second. When it ought to be first! I don't mean we should completely disregard our feelings about our image and appearance. But if you compare, what do we give more importance to? How do we look, or how do we feel?

When we suffer from a physical ailment, we often confront ourselves with all the signs. We know that we must see the doctor or take medication if something hurts. Be that as it may, when we are hurting but not visibly, things are not quite as simple. Feeling demotivated, melancholy, and discouraged for days might be an indication of caution, especially if there are no reasons why we should feel that way. But what do you do when there are multiple ways to feel that way and you don't know how to deal with any of them? Couldn't it be better to assume we let ourselves know the things we tell others? Wouldn't it be better if we took our own advice? Wouldn't it be better on the off chance that we treat ourselves as we treat others? Don't you think it'll make a difference? 


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