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Grieving the loss of a best friend (who is still alive)

I am sure you've heard that "Nothing lasts forever" People use it to console themselves by saying it had to end. It was fun while it lasted. And that may be true. But losing a best friend is heartbreaking. Someone you thought was faithful to you, but after a single glitch, You cut ties. 
Friendships do end. We make many friends when we are in kindergarten then,  We go on our separate ways in high school. Some connections come to an end at that stage. Then you find new friends, and the same pattern gets repeated. Everyone chooses different directions to pursue other careers. You lose touch with them, and then you never hear from them. Not only that, bonds with your friends change when they get married, when they get a job, or when they move to a different city. Disagreement over issues can cause a sudden end to friendships. Friends also have expectations. They are not always selfless. If they fail to meet their needs when required, It is understandable to feel disappointment. 
So if you have questions about why they come to an end, There are multiple reasons. Every relationship has its ups and downs. It is for us to think optimistically or be a pessimist.
Although, there are multiple ways to cope.
Allow yourself to grieve. 
Acknowledge what went wrong and hope for a better outcome next time. 
Remind yourself that healing takes time. 
Lastly, I would not recommend deleting everything and trying to forget it all at once. Don't try to erase your memories. Deleting things from your social media and the moments you captured together deleting them may give you relief temporarily, But it won't be helpful in the long run. It won't help you process your grief. Keeping away from these blissful recollections can stunt the pain interaction by holding you back from having the option to move towards acknowledgment.
In conclusion, If You make friends, You must lose them. It doesn't always have to be a messy breakup. Sometimes things change. And if that doesn't happen, we all know every soul shall taste death. So,
Why should we think about how friendships may go down tomorrow? And ruin what we have? Why not enjoy the relations today and let tomorrow worry about itself? They'll stay for as long as it's in fate. Friendships die for different reasons, so even if they don't last forever,  we should cherish them as long as we have them. 


  1. When the time comes people will part in different ways . There needs, ambitions and various circumstances many things will end. friendship is just a piece in it.

  2. Slightly agree on this statement because i have been dealing with both , falling a part and having the same friend since 11 years or more , but sometimes if it doesn’t go well , we should be taking a break and should be thinking whats going uneven although its very hard to find a friend who could stay with you forever but its very important chapter of our life ! Still searching for one

    1. I’m glad you agree. Yes I mean if you want to initiate things and not ready to let go yet you can always take a break or talk things through right? Very hard to find honest people but i do believe we’re not meant to be alone. And friends play a vital role. So I hope you find the one you’re looking for

    2. And im sorry you’re dealing with losing a friend. Its heartbreaking i hope things get better

    3. its obviously we can't be living alone , others made their choice so we are free to do soo , and yess i agreed what you written because it contain both perspectives!

    4. I’m glad we see eye to eye on this matter. Also thank you for reading/commenting. I appreciate it very much

  3. correction ; its obvious not obviously

  4. Don’t appreciate ! You work hard i know and you deserve more

    1. People like you acknowledging it is the only thing that makes a difference. THANK YOUU

  5. Waiting for your next thought


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