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Commitment misconception

Commitment is a word that symbolizes union, loyalty, monogamy, togetherness, love, mutual respect, and perhaps all those priceless sentiments that we hold in such high esteem. Relationships today are crumbling because of lack of commitment. There's no point in getting committed when you have no intention of being loyal in the first place. The most common responses are, we are just friends, it didn't mean anything, I got carried away, I was not in a good place, it was just one time and all the other pathetic excuses.  Don't even get me started on the ones who try to make it your fault and make you a bad guy. 
Yes, times are hard in a relationship, There's too much temptation, We are only humans. Everyone makes mistakes but to think that it is OK to do whatever you want to because they say we are just having fun so what's the big deal? Nobody realizes that IT IS A BIG DEAL. Because commitment is no longer what it used to be. The word has developed a whole other meaning of it and it is beyond my level of understanding. It's rarely about through thick and thin and richness and poorer and health and sickness. In this generation, it's about selfish needs. They stay in a commitment as long as it's convenient for them. 
Commitment phobia, some people are afraid of "SETTLING DOWN" or "IM NOT READY FOR A COMMITMENT" but you do want all the benefits of it.  People already think there is nothing wrong with hookups because u didn't clearly say we're dating. We are not ready for a commitment, We occasionally hang out but are just friends. Today commitment has multiple meanings. One could only hope it wouldn't equate to multiple partners.
On the off chance that you put forth a purposeful attempt not to ponder the drawn-out look of your relationship, you might have commitment anxiety.
After you've been with somebody, eventually, starting to contemplate the subsequent stages is normal. Particularly if the relationship is apparently strong, and you partake in being together, your solid relationship's fate is probably at the forefront of your thoughts.
Perhaps you've been waiting to have that conversation. however, there's simply no response. Perhaps your significant other is transparently impervious to acknowledging things. If any of this portrays what's happening in your relationship, you might be involved with somebody who has commitment issues. Why do people stay in a relationship? It depends on how one views it. when married it becomes a special investment. Staying with a person for a significant period gives rise to emotions like affection, intimacy, and love. so people compromise for the sake of their values. A sense of security comes into play but selfish motives can also allow a person to stick around for functional purposes, Why are they afraid to commit? The ones who are scared to commit suffer from some deep-seated emotional problems. A basic sense of insecurity could also lead to a situation where a partner is not willing to commit while you can't say whether it's men or women who are less likely to stay in a commitment, The most understandable and reasonable reason as to why people are scared is the lack of mutual trust. 


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