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Showing posts from February, 2023

Commitment misconception

Commitment is a word that symbolizes union, loyalty, monogamy, togetherness, love, mutual respect, and perhaps all those priceless sentiments that we hold in such high esteem. Relationships today are crumbling because of lack of commitment. There's no point in getting committed when you have no intention of being loyal in the first place. The most common responses are, we are just friends, it didn't mean anything, I got carried away, I was not in a good place, it was just one time and all the other pathetic excuses.  Don't even get me started on the ones who try to make it your fault and make you a bad guy.  Yes, times are hard in a relationship, There's too much temptation, We are only humans. Everyone makes mistakes but to think that it is OK to do whatever you want to because they say we are just having fun so what's the big deal? Nobody realizes that IT IS A BIG DEAL. Because commitment is no longer what it used to be. The word has developed a whole other meanin

Grieving the loss of a best friend (who is still alive)

I am sure you've heard that "Nothing lasts forever" People use it to console themselves by saying it had to end. It was fun while it lasted. And that may be true. But losing a best friend is heartbreaking. Someone you thought was faithful to you, but after a single glitch, You cut ties.  Friendships do end. We make many friends when we are in kindergarten then,  We go on our separate ways in high school. Some connections come to an end at that stage. Then you find new friends, and the same pattern gets repeated. Everyone chooses different directions to pursue other careers. You lose touch with them, and then you never hear from them. Not only that, bonds with your friends change when they get married, when they get a job, or when they move to a different city. Disagreement over issues can cause a sudden end to friendships. Friends also have expectations. They are not always selfless. If they fail to meet their needs when required, It is understandable to feel disappointme

Social Media "FRIENDS". Can virtual be real?

Social media allows us to have connections to any part of the world. but it doesn't always allow you to have real ones. Sadly, It's harder to find good friends be it in real life or on social media. But I firmly believe that on social media the quantity of people who are not genuine with you is higher. It is easier to lie on social media. It is easier to make a fool out of you. It is easier to pretend to be someone you are not and to show a life you don't live. I am not saying it doesn't have any benefits. Internet friendships have their pros, you can have good connections but there are more cons, and it is not always the best. somewhere like social media where people show what they believe others should see, it is not worth the effort. For some people, it's easier to discuss their sentiments through texts, virtual friendships are always a top tier. it is easier to talk about their life to strangers because they don't personally know them and they might not even

Midnight Thoughts

Are all of us selfish in this world? Are we all self-centered? Do we always think of ourselves first? When do people consider you a selfish person and when do they consider you selfless? I am unaware of which qualities are present in me. And if someone is selfish is that a bad thing? if I am selfish am I a bad person? Could the world have gone so forward if people were not selfish? Selfishness and selflessness both of these traits make us wonder about our society, our values, the world from a bigger perspective, and ourselves. Let's begin, shall we? You make money to feed yourself. And if you have leftovers you may give them to the poor. It is for you to decide how much you will keep for yourself and how much you would give away. If you have a target to reach and after reaching it you start donating to the charity will you call it selfish? This is a very subjective assessment. Am I right? And if someone doesn't have enough for themselves and starts donating others might tell th