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Someone to come home to

Including myself, I've seen a great number of people struggle with opening up to others.
Showing others your vulnerabilities and weaknesses is impenetrable. But we as humans won't survive exclusively even if we do manage to deal with the bunch of emotions alone we won't be satisfied. We're meant to depend on others. We're meant to love. We need support. Each one of us at some point feels the desperation of having someone who's all for us. 
We judge ourselves according to others, comments on our actions. When being criticized or laughed at, we feel insufficient and depressed and nothing seems to make us happy anymore. Sometimes experiences can be dreadful. Not every relationship is fulfilling. We do end up loving someone who's not for us to keep. Betrayal, heartbreaks, and disappointments are a part of life. But that doesn't necessarily mean that you have to keep yourself in a world full of illusions. Because even after plenty of disappointments there are people who would cherish you and your presence. Heartbreaks are a reality. And it can be hard but we can't survive this life all alone. 
Don't you think the hardest part is when you are already going through a difficult phase in life or just merely a bad day and at the end of it you have no one to talk to? 
What is the necessity of life? What is something that we all need? That is so basic yet plays an important part. For me, The answer to that is someone to come home to. If you have someone you look forward to meeting and to tell them about the little details about your day or what happened at work. You're lucky. Consider yourself special. I don't ask much from the future, just a stack of books to read, to bake good garlic bread, and someone to come home to. 


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