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Showing posts from June, 2023

Black and white photographs

Do you have a habit of capturing moments?  Remember, you won’t ever get them back. It’s probably time to start preserving those special times. When I flip open an old photo album and glance through the variety of black and white photos from my parents’ childhood, I am simply amazed. For some reason it’s hard to remember our parents were children once too. We only know them as the adults they have become. I want my children to be able to do the same thing with me one day. I imagine whenever I find someone I wanna come home to every day I'd keep multiple albums with our photographs of every moment I want to remember. Colourless photographs. Some people actually prefer black and white photos since they tend to hide imperfections a little better. However, now days the digital cameras are so widespread and simple. So many photos are taken and downloaded to our laptops. This is much less expensive if you don’t print them out. Do you take a lot of pictures? Well, if the answer is no, then

Do you have an answer?

Depression is quite possibly the most inescapable infirmity. As mental illnesses belong to the mind and the soul, inside lies the strength to defeat them, and that can only happen in a loving and supportive environment. Taking medication under the doctor's supervision and following a healthy way of life can lead to notable improvements in your mental health. More often than not, the role of noticing if someone is suffering from depression or other mental maladjustments belongs to the family. The burdened person can develop some peculiar habits, like eating too much or too little, having disorganized sleep, or having outraged outbursts out of nowhere.                                                                                                                                   If you take medication and therapy and cure it like you should, you will live a healthy and happy life just like everybody else. But we don't take it seriously now, do we? All that occurs in our lives, f