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Showing posts from December, 2023

Same Old "ME"

We often find ourselves bombarded with messages of transformation and the pressure to become a shiny, upgraded version of ourselves. Every year on my birthday I used to think about changing. Think about everything I've done, achieved, and went through. But what if, just for a moment, we embraced the idea that it's okay to be the same old "You"? Life has this funny way of throwing hurdles and heartbreaks at us, right? If you're reading this, chances are you've danced with adversity, lost a few friendships, and maybe even questioned whether you're on the right path. So, I'm gonna tell you we're in the same boat. Those hurdles I faced? They weren't roadblocks; they were stepping stones, shaping me into the resilient individual I am today. The heartbreaks? They taught me profound lessons about love, loss, and the strength that resides within my heart. And those lost friendships? I Think of them as chapters in the grand novel of my life. Some people

Chaos As A Canvas

  Life, with all its twists and turns, often feels like a hurdle race. But what if I told you that those hurdles, those challenges, are not roadblocks but rather the very milestones that guide you toward finding your true self? Intrigued? Let's talk about why hurdles are so darn important in this journey we call life. Imagine life as a never-ending game of hopscotch. (I've never played it for real) Without those challenging squares to jump over, the game would lose its thrill. Hurdles, much like the unexpected challenges in life, keep us on our toes. They force us to stay alert, adapt, and develop the resilience needed to navigate the game. Have you ever marveled at the strength of a tree that stands tall against the winds? Life's hurdles are our winds – they shake us and test our roots. Just like a tree's roots grow deeper during a storm, our character matures through life's challenges. Consider hurdles as your personal GPS on the road to self-discovery. They