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Showing posts from May, 2023

What's stopping you?

Decisions, thoughts, words, or actions can completely change your life. What's stopping you?  Imagine yourself doing what you dream about. It does not matter how unreal it feels. Put yourself in the shoes of a famous artist—the most successful singer, wrestler, pianist, and writer. Anything at all that you can imagine Who's telling you it won't happen? It's not me or anyone else. The tiny voice inside your head is not mine. It's you. Pause for a minute to consider how often each day your brain rejects what your creative mind conjures up. It may not be a big surprise that so many of us are living our lives with self-limiting behaviors. At the point when we come to understand that our self-restricting contemplations are making and obliging our fundamental factors, which are holding us back from epitomizing our creative mind, we then, at that point, can begin to make a move and move from a prohibitive outlook to one where showing our objectives and dreams are natural.


Why do you think it's crucial to have wishes? Does it make a difference? It's not like they're coming true but it sure makes us wonder that only IF it happens how amazing would that be? Isn't that all we need to survive in this life?  A Girl wants to feel like a princess for a day, and A guy wants to become a Spiderman. Some mothers want their kids back to life. Some people merely want just love. Some people want a stable job and some just want to sleep. Some want to go into the past some want to see the future. Some kids never want to grow up. Some people just want to be rich.  Some want to swim with dolphins. Someone wants to be a zookeeper. A fan wants to meet a celebrity. Someone wants to own a castle. A kid wants to have a dragon as a pet.  All of us have our own wishes. Some are realistic some are non-realistic. And some make you deeply wonder about life. And how different it's treating everyone. Someone told me that he just wanted their family to be independe

Test your positive thinking

To find out how positive you are, answer the following questions as honestly as you can using this scoring system: Answers Point Almost 5 Usually 4 Sometimes 3 Rarely 2 Never 1. Keep measuring your score as you answer the following questions:  Do you like most of the people you meet? When you think about next year, do you tend to think that you will be better off than you are now? Do you often stop to admire the things of beauty? When someone finds fault with you or with something you have done, can you tell the difference between useful criticism and sour grapes, which is better ignored? Do you praise your spouse / best friend/lover more often than you criticize him or her? Are you surprised when a friend lets you down? Do you think you are happy? Do you feel comfortable making yourself the target of your own jokes? Do you believe that, overall, your state of mind has had a positive effect on your physical health? If you made a list of your 10 favorite people, would your name be there

Darth Vader

Ever since his first appearance in Star Wars: A New Hope, Darth Vader has slowly attained the status of a cultural icon, a near-universal symbol of villainy and oppression. The all-black and sophisticated attire, the distinct sound of his mechanically-aided breathing, and the imposing nature of his presence earned him a spot as one of the most intimidating fictional characters in history. His mere presence was enough to instill fear and anxiety in his lesser officers and his targets, effectively crippling most resistance forces by merely arriving. Not only was he known for causing fear and anxiety among enemies by reputation, but he also caused the same emotions by his willingness to strike down his foes from the front lines, something his fellow commanders refused to do so. However, beneath the mask of near-mechanical dominance lay the mind of Anakin Skywalker, a young handsome confused by his emotions and fearful of his losses and heartbreaks. Anakin Skywalker was a man of multiple t

What's important?

If you presently feel that you need more friends in your day-to-day existence, one explanation might be that you have allowed yourself to turn out to be so occupied to set aside a few minutes for the connections you now have. Supporting and keeping up with friendships requires exertion and responsibility. Large numbers of us let our lives become so occupied with work and different responsibilities that we don't find time to schedule time for joy and reestablishment with the friends, family members, and associates we now have. Settling on the work to decide your companions all the more routinely, and to acknowledge a greater amount of the solicitations you get from others, can work on your public activity in a rush! Is there  anyone you could call at the present moment and be sure that they would answer? Do you think that you could rely on them to help you in an emergency? Might you at any point have close discussions with them? Do you have a good time when you are together? Is it t