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Showing posts from March, 2023

Fear of intimacy

  Emotional intimacy is one of the most wonderful experiences we ever have had. Nothing else really comes close to the experience of sharing our deepest thoughts and feelings with another, being deeply seen and known, and sharing love, passion, laughter, joy, and creativity. The experience of intimacy fills our souls and takes away our loneliness. And I think it is all we need sometimes to comfort ourselves and to be better. Despite it being the best feeling we’re still afraid. In my opinion, It is not actually the intimacy itself that people fear. If people could be guaranteed that intimacy would continue to be a positive experience, they would have no fear of it. What they fear is the possibility of getting hurt as a result of being intimate with another. People have different fears that may cause them to avoid intimacy: the fear of rejection, the fear of losing the other person, the fear of engulfment, the fear of being invaded, and the fear of being controlled and losing oneself. B

Social media and its beauty standards

How ugly has society made me? If you are willing to go under a knife to change the way you look, society definitely has done something terrible. To you, to your inner child,, and to that beautiful baby faces your parents bought into this world. It's important to always have a level head on yourself and to love yourself for the way that you are. it's overwhelming the number of people that think that makeup and surgeries are going to change their life. insecurity and lack of confidence shine through. though you are still the same on the inside. I, not the slightest bit imply that we shouldn't put cosmetics on or shouldn't really try to change our appearance, what I mean is that we don't have to change ourselves totally to look lovely. To change the size of our body, change the shade of our skin, change the state of our lips, change our level, change our cheeks, and change our nose. we don't have to meaningfully alter the manner in which we hope to look beautiful.

Why Marijuana should be legal

  Many Americans feel that Marijuana is helping fund the war on terror, but making a war on drugs and keeping Marijuana illegal has not stopped millions of Americans from smoking pot every day. So what is the answer? First of all, why is Marijuana illegal? In the 1930’s William Randolph Hearst, who had significant financial interests in the timber industry testified to congress on the evils of marijuana, saying things like it makes people insane and commits acts of cannibalism? At this time very few even knew what it was and to stop people from going insane Congress decided to make it illegal. Second of all, The truth is many paper manufacturers were thinking of changing from using trees to make paper to using hemp because it was cheaper and easier to grow and better for the environment, and Hearst stood to lose millions so he used his influence and testimony to help get marijuana banned in the USA. So now that we know why it was made illegal, we can realize that not only would making

Music that Gen-z listens to

  I am tired of people saying music in our generation is bad. However, I do believe that not every other artist is creating meaningful or intense music BUT It doesn't suck? As time passes by and every generation brings something of its own as they grow up. This generation brings new music, And that is invigorating. Some people are not used to the kind of music young artists creates or Misoneism could be a reason to not like it.  In the earlier generation, the music has a pattern, Each song represents falling in love and the beauty of their partner not unpleasant per se but If you compare, Now music conveys messages about mental health, losing a loved one, broken friendships, suicides et cetera. Which needs to be talked about more often.  People who write songs hold a responsibility to tell a story that they want to share with the world through their words and now with the more advanced sound system as well. Just when we thought it couldn't get any better. Luckily for young arti