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Showing posts from December, 2022

Summers are better than winters

Every season has its pros and cons. But there is something about summers that makes them special. YES, We are talking about summer overwinters. And I have multiple reasons to change your mind as well.   I like warm weather more than cold, I preferably sweat over to shake and freeze. I live in a truly hot spot, no doubt I'm utilized to it. My friends think I'm bizarre for liking summers more than winters, Even after being roasted for liking them But I still find more reasons to like summers as compared to winters. It is simpler to get cooler than to get warm. My internal heat level is exceptionally strange. I disdain winter, I stick to death and can't stand the cold by any stretch of the imagination, thank god it doesn't go underneath 0° where I'm from, I continue to shake from cold, which I hate. Your hands and feet are always cold which is frustrating. You can't eat cold food varieties. Furthermore, I think when it is summer you can do more stuff like play outs

Birthday Thoughts

  Why do people celebrate birthdays? Why they’re happy? Why do they throw parties? Why do they look forward to it? Is it the fact that we have survived another year against many odds? Are we marking the progress we have made? Is a birthday the expression of hope sprung eternal to live another year? If it is the past year that we are commemorating, would we still celebrate it if we were to receive some bad news about our health and imminent demise? Not likely. But why? What is the relevance of information about the future (our own looming death) when one is celebrating the past? The past is immutable. No future event can vitiate the fact that we have made it through another 12 months of struggle. Then why not celebrate this fact? Because it is not the past that is foremost on our minds. Our birthdays are about the future, not about the past. We are celebrating having arrived so far because such successful resilience allows us to continue forward. We proclaim our potential to further enj