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Showing posts from August, 2022

Laughter can heal

Did you realize that laughter can heal? The experience of laughing has been proven to be an extremely potent tool for self healing. If you have watched the DVD “The Secret'' then you must have seen a very good example of this. A woman who was diagnosed with breast cancer laughed herself back to health. She watched sitcoms and would not allow any stress into her life. At the end of three months the cancer had totally disappeared! Why and how did this happen? Is it really possible to laugh your way back from sickness to health? Well it has been observed by the medical profession that when you laugh, there are certain chemicals released in your body that relax you and allow your body to do what it does best, repair itself! However, when you allow stress to take over and live your life from a very serious standpoint your body does not release these highly beneficial chemicals, your muscles tense and even natural bodily functions like digestion become harder for your body to regulat