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Showing posts from May, 2022

When do we listen to music?

   When do we listen to music? When we are in love and feeling so many emotions at once. And we're happy?  No, we usually don’t. We listen to songs about love when there are bad times for our love. And when we're missing someone. When we're longing for something or when we are lovesick.  Pragmatically the musicians know that songs about suffering and love are the most money-making. The reason is that people want somebody to be present near them in times they are in love grief, for somebody to articulate their suffering. It is called empathy in psychology. This is the process when somebody shares the same feelings as you do. Musicians are psychologists. They cure our souls with their music. On the other hand, too much sad depressive music catalyzes your suffering. Some bands even “advise” their addresses to jump off the roof. Think one has to perceive that very figuratively. Such suicidal motifs can be primarily found in the repertoire of “Muse''. The lexicon of the